Students and Repertory artistes can use the Academy library observing following rules:
- The students have to study books recommended by their teachers. Demand slips are available at the library.
- For reference books demand slip should be submitted, to the librarian along with the recommendation of a teacher one day in advance.
- Carrying reference books out of the campus is not permitted to the student. A teacher can have only one reference book at a time. If a student fails to return the book within the prescribed time limit a fine of Rs. 5.00 per day will be charged which will be deducted out of student's scholarship.
- Two books at a time can be issued to a student.
- A student must return the books after 3 days. Books can be re-issued on the basis of its availability and necessity to the student concerned.
- After completion of the production work students must return the script issued to them. If someone wants to keep the said script he/she has to pay the
cost of the script. In case of failure to return the script within due time, a fine of Rs 2.00 per day have to be paid.
- Reference and other books related to a production must be returned to the library or to the teacher concerned by the same evening.
- The library will remain open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm, on all working days. Library timings can be altered at the discretion of the director.
- In case of loss of any book, a student has to pay ten times the actual cost of the book.
- For Repertory artistes and guest faculty, similar library rules apply.
- Under special circumstances, with the director's written approval, the librarian can issue reference books to a student. Failing to return the book in due
time, he/she has to pay a fine of Rs 5.00 per book per day as late fee which will get deducted by account section out of scholarship amount.