N.S.D Alumnus (1987),
S.N.A Awardee, Jharkhand State Awardee
and Sikkim State Awardee
Post Graduate in Dramatic Arts from
National School of Drama, New Delhi in the
year 1987 with specialization in Acting.
Graduation in Arts from Ranch University,
Jharkhand in the year 1983.
He has directed approximately 55
plays in various Indian languages
with various theatre groups &
corporate sectors in India. His major
directorial works include:
'Yayati', Pagla Ghoda, Ashad Ka Ek
Din', 'Biyaban Mein Ugtey Kinshuk',
'Hamlet' in Chhotanagpuri & in
Nepali, 'Ek Tha Gadha',
'Sabhya Sanp' in Bengali, 'Trishanku',
'The Fan', 'Jati Hi Puchho Sadhu ki',
'The Lower Depths', 'Sidhartha
Gautam Dekhi Buddha Samma Ek
Yatra' in Nepali, 'Us Raat Ke Baad',
'Shakuntala', 'Chakra Ek Mahayatra'
in Nepali, 'Garbo', 'Hum Hi Apna Aap'
in Nepali, 'Rajkumar Namgyal' in
Nepali, "A Love Story 1950° in Nepali,
'Taj Mahal Ka Tender', 'Romeo &
Juliet' in multi language, Safed
Lakeer, Kalo Bhari in Nepali etc.
He has a teaching experience that spans almost 35
years and he has conducted several theatre
workshops in different states of India including
Sikkim, Jharkhand, Uttarkhand, Uttar Pradesh,
Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
Bihar, West Bengal & Madhya Pradesh, organised by
National School of Drama, Sangeet Natak Academy
& Kshitij Theatre Group in Collaboration with
Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. He formed
Kshitij Theatre Group, Delhi and has been
associated with it since 1987, he is a founder
member of Yuva Rang Manch, Ranchi &
Chandrapura, Jharkhand since 1981. He is associated
with many cultural organisation of Jharkhand.
Work with Eminent Theatre Personalities in India:
He has worked with many eminent theatre
personalities including Panni Castagli, Stuward
cox, Richard Shatner, John Martin from London,
Helmish from Germany, Lidia from Greece, Barry
John, Mohan Maharishi, Ratan Thiyam, Bhanu
Bharti, B. M. Shah, Satyadev Dubey, R.G.Bajaj,
Niranjan Goswami (Mime), Kirti Jain, Anuradha
Kapoor, Robin Das, Sudhir Kulkarni etc.
Experience in Videography, Documentaries & Films:
He has produced films, Serials, documentaries and educational films
for Ministry of Culture & Doordarshan under the banner of Kshitij
Theatre Group and Bharti Productions. He was a Co-Producer of a 3
hour long film 'Kaala Heera' for Zee T. V. which was telecasted in Jan,
2001 under special time slot. The film was based on Chasnala Coal
Mine Disaster. He also co-produced a comedy serial of 13 episodes
titled 'Gadbad Ghotala' for DD-1, was telecasted in 1995.
S an g e e t N a t ak A kademi , ( D i r e c t ion) 201 6
Jha rkhand s t a t e a w a rd 201 6
A ppr e c i a t ion a w a rd by G ov t . of S ikkim, 1 5 th A u g us t 202 1
C idaka s a N a t y aka l a cudamanih S ammana 202 3
Valuable Positions Held:
- 1. D i r e c tor of B ha r a t endu N a t y a A c ademy , Luckno w
- 2. Ex C ent r e D i r e c tor N . S . D S ikkim
- 3. M embe r of e xpe r t commi t t e e unde r S a l a r y G r ant and
P roduc t ion G r ant S cheme s of the M ini s t r y of C ul tur e ,
G ov t . of Indi a f rom 201 6 - 2018.
- 4. V i s i t in g f a cul t y of D r ama D epa r tment , R anchi U ni v e r s i t y
and R a j a M ans in g h Tome r M us i c & A r t s U ni v e r s i t y ,
G w a l ior .
- 5. B oa rd M embe r of S chool of P e r formin g and V i sua l A r t s
(I G N O U , N e w D e lhi) f rom 201 2 -14
- 6. M embe r of N a t iona l A ppr a i s a l C ommi t t e e unde r the
S cheme of Financ i a l A s s i s t anc e for T a g or e C ul tur a l
C ompl e x e s 202 2
- 7. S N A G r ant s A dv i sor y C ommi t t e e membe r for the a t r e for
fi v e y e a r s , A dv i sor y commi t t e e for P upe t r y for S a t r i y a
K endr a , G ene r a l C ounc i l membe r a s w e l l a s the
Ex e cut i v e B oa rd of the S an g e e t N a t ak A kademi .